You and Your Family Are Invited to Meet Jesus on the Road!!!
The National Eucharistic Congress will open with a major procession, welcoming pilgrims from all four corners of the US who have carried Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to this final destination.
This will be one of the largest Eucharistic pilgrimages in history. Just as crowds followed Christ throughout his earthly ministry, our nation will process with our Eucharistic Lord through cities, along highways, and past rural towns on his way to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress.
Most of us cannot travel to Indianapolis for this event, but we can participate in the West Coast Pilgrimage from California to the National Congress!
Join other parishioners from our Mother Lode churches as we make the 2-hour pilgrimage drive to meet Jesus and the pilgrims on their way from San Francisco to Indianapolis.
We will process with the pilgrims and Our Lord from the Tower Bridge to the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Sacramento (about a mile), where we will participate in holy mass and adoration together.
What a memory for our children and teens.
Take the day off from work. Take the kids out of school.
If the Olympic Torch passed through town, would you take the family to see the runner and the torch?
The date is Wednesday, May 22nd.
We will leave Sonora at 7:00 to be prepared for the inconveniences of the morning commute. Our carpools will make quick stops at
St. Patrick’s, Angels Camp at 7:30 and St. Andrews at 7:50
We would want to be ready to meet the boat bringing the pilgrims and Our Lord from Clarksburg to Sacramento at 10:30 am. The pilgrimage to the cathedral begins at 11:00.
The Sacramento schedule is:
10:30 Be at the pier to meet the boat filled with pilgrims and Our Lord
11:00 Accompany Jesus, walking with Him to the cathedral (1 mile) 12:15 Participate in Holy Mass and Adoration.
1:30ish Leave the church and stop for lunch somewhere along the way home.
For questions and more details, or to join us, please get in touch with Kathy Casas at 770-5987 or leave your name and number with the St. Patrick’s, Sonora church office at 532-7139 ext.110