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Ministry Groups

Welcome to the page of our many ministries that keep our parish thriving. There are a variety of opportunities to use your particular gifts and talents to serve our parish. If you have any questions about any particular ministry you’d like to join please feel free to contact us.
In the Joy of Christ,
Father Suresh
Parish Administrator.
Ways to contact us:
Call the Parish Office (209) 532-7139.
Complete our website Contact Form.
You can follow some Ministries on their Facebook page, email them or view other linked sites.
Art & Environment-Our goal is to plan and create an environment within our worship spaces that follow the liturgical season and enhance the beautiful liturgies. It's a great way to learn how the environment inside the Church relates to the scripture readings. This is a "behind the scenes" ministry that takes many worker bees to accomplish our goals. Email us at
At One with the Spirit-Our goal is to provide resources to assist others and educate them to grow in their Catholic faith and their personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Follow us on Facebook or email us at
Catholic Men's Fellowship of Sonora-Our goal is to actively be involved in helping to change men's lives and unite men in a meaningful and distinct Catholic way. Through C.M.F., men tap into the treasures and peace of what it truly means to be a Catholic man. Email us at
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy-Our goal is to give compassion and hope to those most in need of God's mercy by praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet with and for the sick and dying at the person's bedside at home or the hospital. Email us at
Faith Formation (Religious Education)-The word catechist comes from a Greek word meaning "to echo." Catechists echo the Word of God to the children of St. Patrick's. Catechists are not expert teachers or brilliant theologians. They are ordinary people, just like you, who generously volunteer their time to share our Catholic faith, values, and traditions with our youngest generation of Christians. Email us at
Fruits of the Holy Spirit Center- The goal of the parish library is to encourage, support, and enrich our parishioners' spiritual and intellectual growth by providing educational and inspirational materials consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The library is housed in the Steinmetz House, next to the Parish Office. Email us at
Hispanic Community Ministries-The primary goal is to meet the spiritual needs of the Hispanic Catholics of St. Patrick's parish. We want to introduce the community to a personal encounter with Christ by promoting and facilitating the full participation of mass. Email us at
Knights of Columbus-Knights are a charitable organization that participates in various activities and projects that deepen their faith and strengthen our parish. Email us at
Liturgical Ministries/Baptisms-Liturgical ministries include Lectors (Ministers of the Word) who proclaim scriptural (the Bible) passages during the Liturgy of the Word. Altar Servers are a vital component of assisting our priests during mass. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in administering Communion during Mass and Ushers who welcome parishioners as they enter the Church, taking up the collection, presenting the gifts, and distributing the church bulletin. Email us at
Matthew 25-Our goal is to provide food to the hungry and assistance to the needy in our surrounding communities. Email us at
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound- Helping the homebound feel that they continue to be part of the body of Christ and remain in communion with us is an essential part of this ministry. The visiting Eucharistic minister assists the priests of our parish by carrying Holy Communion to ill, homebound Catholics or in care facilities. Email us at
Music Ministry- The goal and purpose of Music Ministry is to enhance the experience of worship by heightening the Word of God with music and providing beauty to the liturgy through music. With solid musical leadership, music ministers strive to enable the assembly's singing to encourage full, active, and conscious participation. Cantors, Choirs, and Instrumentalists minister to the assembly by providing music that allows and encourages spiritual reflection. Email us at
Pastoral Council-The pastoral council working closely with the parish priest, plans, organizes, coordinates, implements, monitors, and evaluates the pastoral programs and activities of the parish. It is a representative body of the different areas, groups, and organizations within the parish; and also, a ministerial body where parish services and activities are carried out through the different ministries and support groups. Email us at
R.C.I.A. Team-People journeying through the R.C.I.A. process need sponsors and community support to help them grow in faith. The R.C.I.A. team of sponsors help guide, support and instruct those discerning whether to become members of our Catholic community. Team members share their faith with inquiring adults who are seeking more information about the Catholic Church. Email us at
Respect Life-The purpose of the committee is to educate Catholics regarding the Church's doctrine on abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, contraception and natural family planning. The committee offers support and referrals in the areas of unplanned pregnancies, care for the elderly and post-abortion syndrome. Email us at
Save Our St. Anne's/Columbia-The efforts of this committee work to maintain and retain St. Anne's Catholic Church founded in 1856, as an active Christian church. Email us at
Welcoming Team-The Welcoming Committee fulfills the mission of showing that St. Patrick's is a church that welcomes each person, whether a regular parishioner or visitor, by acknowledging them with a warm hello or an encouraging smile. This small, but the important connection can make the difference in whether a person is a one-time visitor or returns to become an active member. Email us at
Caring for the Whole Person-The C.W.P. team works directly with parishioners and their families to provide spiritual support and resource referrals if they are suffering, ill, or at the end of life. Email us at
Young Ladies Grand Institute (Y.L.G.I.)-The Y.L.G.I. is an organization of Catholic women banded together for both social and charitable purposes. Most notably, its mission is that of women helping women. In particular, it gives support to the Bishop for the education of priests, supports scholarships, and inspires greater spiritual growth and lasting friendship. Follow us on Facebook YLGI-Patricia 79 Chapter
Youth Group-Our goal is to meet youth's social, emotional, and spiritual needs by providing opportunities for Christian fellowship through fun activities. To provide loving guidance as youth grow in their catholic faith. We welcome volunteers to share their talents and assist with supervision at activities. Email us at
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